Know Your Rights

State or Federal Law

Beloit College students are subject to the Wisconsin State Statues and federal laws regarding sexual assault and other sex related acts, and violation of state or federal laws may be the laws of student discipline code.

Wisconsin law makes no reference to the gender of either the victim or assailant. Sexual assault victims of any gender are protected by the law, and assailants of any gender can be prosecuted under the law. For more information, review the Wisconsin State Statute 940.225.

Sex with a person under the age of 18 in Wisconsin is a violation of state law and of the college’s policy. Persons under the age of 18 cannot give consent to sexual interactions.

For complete information on your rights if you are involved in a sexual assault/misconduct case, please review the policy.

The Complainant

Rights of the Complainant in a sexual assault/misconduct investigation:

  1. To have complaints of sexual misconduct/assault investigated by the college.
  2. To report the violation directly to the police, with or without assistance from campus personnel.
  3. To consult with the Title IX Coordinator as a resource for understanding these rights and the investigation process.
  4. To be notified in writing of available counseling, mental health or student services for students reporting sexual assault, both on and off campus.
  5. To have a judicial proceeding be conducted by officials who at a minimum receive annual training on the issues related to dating violence, domestic violence, sexual assault, and stalking and on how to consider the results of an investigation in light of a student appeal that protects the rights of all involved and promotes accountability.
  6. To be notified that at any point during the complaint/investigation/Judicial Board process, the complainant has the right to have the support of any willing member of the Beloit College community, friend, faculty or staff of their choice. The support person has the right to attend any function at which the complainant’s presence is required. The support person may be a licensed attorney. Any person attending meetings or hearings in support of the complainant may advise the complainant but may not participate directly in the proceedings. (Note: Beloit College is represented by counsel in most sexual assault matters.)
  7. To not have prior sexual history admitted during any disciplinary hearing. History of prior complaints, investigations, and cases may be admitted in an investigation and/or appeal. Additional information may be admitted under very specific conditions.
  8. To be notified in writing of the outcomes, if any, in the case, of the institution’s procedures to appeal the result of the disciplinary proceedings as outline in the appeals section of the Student Handbook, and of any change to the result when such results become final. Require simultaneous notification, in writing, to both the complainant and the respondent.
  9. To appeal a disciplinary decision by a hearing officer(s) as outlined in the appeals section of the Student Handbook and the Policy Against Sexual Harassment &
    Associated Grievance Procedures.

The Respondent

Rights of the Respondent in a sexual assault/misconduct investigation:

  1. To be informed in writing of the accusations/complaints that were filed.
  2. To be informed that complaints of sexual misconduct/assault will be investigated by the college, and possibly by the police.
  3. To consult with the Title IX Coordinator as a resource for understanding these rights and the investigation process.
  4. To be notified of available counseling, mental health or student services for students accused of sexual assault, both on or off campus.
  5. To have a judicial proceeding be conducted by officials who at a minimum receive annual training on the issues related to dating violence, domestic violence, sexual assault, and stalking and on how to consider the results of an investigation in light of a student appeal that protects the rights of all involved and promotes accountability.
  6. To be notified that at any point during the complaint/investigation/Judicial Board process, the accused has the right to have the support of any willing member of the Beloit College community, friend, faculty or staff of their choice. The support person has the right to attend any function at which the respondent’s presence is required. The support person may be a licensed attorney. Any person attending meetings or hearings in support of the complainant may advise the complainant but may not participate directly in the proceedings. (NOTE: Beloit College is represented by counsel in most sexual assault matters.)
  7. History of prior complaints, investigations, and cases may be admitted in an investigation and/or appeal. Additional information may be admitted under very specific conditions.
  8. To refuse to answer some or all questions. The investigation will proceed with or without the participation of the accused. Refusal to answer during the cross-examination portion of the hearing will nullify all provided testimony.
  9. To be notified in writing of the outcomes, if any, in the case, of the institution’s procedures to appeal the result of the disciplinary proceeding as outlined in the appeals section of the Student Handbook, and of any change to the result when such results become final. Require simultaneous notification, in writing, to both the complainant and the respondent.
  10. To appeal a disciplinary decision by a hearing officer(s) as outlined in the appeals section of the Student Handbook and the Policy Against Sexual Harassment &
    Associated Grievance Procedures.

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