Sinnissippi Cruisers

Come to the Powerhouse and check out a bike for the day!

We’re excited to offer our Beloit College students the ability to reserve a bike for the day while school is in session. They can be used to explore the city of Beloit, ride to our many local parks, or take a shopping trip to a variety of stores in our area.

Sinnissippi Cruisers

Reserving a Bike

Our checkout process is pretty simple. Go to the front desk of the Powerhouse and ask to check out a bike. The attendant will scan your student ID and ask you to fill out a waiver, if you haven’t already.

When you check out a bike, you will also receive a helmet, bike lock, and key. Students are in charge of unlocking their own bike and putting it back in place/locking after they finish using it. The bikes are located in the lower level of the Powerhouse.

Unlocking the Bike

Each bike has a medium-sized black number near the back wheel. Find the bike with the number that matches with the key you checked out. 

The u-lock is on the back wheel. Place the key into the lock, turn, and pull the vertical bar down with the key still inside. Now that the bike is unlocked, you are ready to go!

Remember to take the lock with you, because you’ll need to lock the bike back up at the end of your trip.

Returning the Bike

Bikes are due back thirty minutes before the Powerhouse closes. Return the bike where you found it and lock it up securely. Return the key to the front desk of the Powerhouse.

When you return your bike, please fill out this short survey so that we can make sure we are serving the campus’ needs.

There is no cost to checkout bikes, however damage fees may be applied. Bikes are sanitized and quarantined in accordance with our sanitation plan checked by the Health and Wellness Center.


Contact Sinnissippi Cruisers at

More about the Sinnissippi Cruisers

How did this start?

Sinnissippi Cruisers was started with a generous donation of fifteen Trek Electra Cruiser bikes from Bob Burns’80 and Jane Burns’81. Bob is employed with Trek Bicycles which allowed us to also purchase other items (helmets, locks, etc.) at a discounted rate. We are grateful for their generous contribution!

Why this name?

The river was known as the Sinnissippi to Sauk and Fox Indians who are local to the southern Wisconsin area…the name means “rocky waters”. And cruisers are the type of bike that makes up our fleet.

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