Related Links
Policies & Forms
- Ninth and Tenth Semester Tuition-Free Program
- Academic Standing Decision-Making
- Course Overload Policy
- Course Repeat Policy
- Dean’s List
- End of Term Assignments/Exams Policy
- Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act (FERPA) Overview
- Grievance Process for Students
- Honors Term Awards
- Incomplete Contract and Guidelines
- Name Change/Preferred Name Policy
- Readmission
- Time Conflict Guidelines
The Academic Performance Committee (APC), which is composed of faculty and administrators and is chaired by the Dean of Students (or designee), is charged with monitoring academic performance. The committee also acts on individual petitions from students with regard to academic regulations, probation, and dismissal. All students have the right to petition APC to adjust or waive academic policies or regulations (using the procedures and deadlines established below).
A student seeking an exception to an academic regulation (e.g., course overloads, late drops, withdraw pass, readmission) must petition APC. The student’s request must be in writing and must indicate the way(s) in which the regulation works to the student’s disadvantage. In most instances, a statement of support from one or more faculty members (the student’s advisor, the instructor of the course) must accompany the request. All requests are reviewed individually, and the committee may grant an exception to the regulation if it believes the request has sufficient merit.
APC is scheduled to meet weekly during the academic semesters (excluding mid-term breaks and finals weeks). Note that APC only considers petitions that are COMPLETE at least one week before the meeting date, so students should not wait until the end of the semester to begin petitions.
Late drops: Students who want to drop a course or courses after the drop deadline See:
If a late drop is granted, the course is completely dropped from the transcript. [Note: Students who want or need to drop out/drop all classes at any time should meet with the Associate Dean of Students to discuss options, conditions for returning and see if a petition is needed or not.]
Withdraw Pass (WP): Students who want to pursue a WP after the drop deadline must complete a petition, have the faculty member of the course indicate that the student was passing (D or better) at the time of the request, and have their advisor write to APC in support of the WP. There does not need to be extenuating circumstances to pursue a WP. If a WP is granted, the course is listed on the transcript with a grade of “WP” which does not reflect in the student’s grade point average and does not earn any credit.
Readmission: Students seeking readmission should complete a Readmission Application and contact the Dean of Students Office; For more information:
Course Overload petitions: For course overload information and procedures, and form, visit
Incompletes are not approved by APC, but the Dean of Students office is to be notified of students pursuing Incompletes. The form and policies for Incompletes are found here:
- Course Overload Petitions are to be submitted by the first day of classes for the semester that the student wishes to take a course overload.
- Students may only petition for a late drop for one year from the time that the student took the course. (i.e. Students who took a course in Fall 2024 have until the end of Fall 2025 semester to request a late drop.)
- Withdraw Pass completed petitions must be to APC before the last day of course (earlier is strongly encouraged).
- Readmission applications should be completed several months before the time in which the students want to begin taking classes again at the college (April deadline for August enrollment; November deadline for January enrollment).
Links to petition forms:
Current Students should contact with their address change information.
Alumni/ae with an address change should send the change to the Alumni Office.
Contact the appropriate department /program chair to initiate the major or minor declaration process.
Students may complete the Experience Requirement by taking an E-designated course.
Students who complete the Experience Requirement in other ways should submit the Experience Requirement completion form to the Registrar’s Office.
Use this Graduation Guidelines Checklist for a summary of degree requirements and to track your degree progress.
Students are encouraged to schedule a degree audit appointment with the Registrar either during their junior or senior year, to make sure they are on track for fulfillment of all degree requirements. Call the Registrar’s Office at 608-363-2640 to schedule an appointment.
To find out about the types of internship credit that are available and how to register for them, go to Credit-bearing internships.
Special Projects
To enable students to demonstrate more adequately their intellectual capacity and to fulfill their intellectual potential, Beloit College believes that they should have an opportunity to work independently on chosen projects. These learning experiences, referred to as “special projects”, consist of individual work under faculty supervision or guidance, such as field investigation, library or laboratory research, planned reading programs, artistic creation, and approved foreign study of an independent or semi-independent character. Evaluation of special projects is based on appropriate tangible evidence of achievement.
Special projects are numbered 390 and may be taken for .25 - 1.00 unit of credit. Students should have at least sophomore standing.
Register for a Special Project
To register for a Special Project, a student must complete a Special Project Contract. No special project will be added to a student’s registration without a contract. The contract must be approved by the instructor, the department chair, and the student’s advisor. This signed contract must be submitted to the Registrar’s Office by the date set for adding courses for that module. To register for more than 2 units of Special Project in one term, a student must receive prior approval from the Provost/Dean of the College.
Special projects may be elected during vacation terms, upon payment of the appropriate fee. Grades for such work are due in the Registrar’s Office no later than the end of the first week of classes in the subsequent term of residence.
Special projects elected in the senior year may be used in fulfillment of departmental honors programs.
Students taking special projects courses during the summer will be assessed an administrative charge (check with the Accounting Office for the current fee). This option may be used only twice.
Teaching assistantship
Qualified junior and senior students may earn academic credit by assisting in college courses. Students may earn no more than a total of 1 unit of teaching assistantship (395) within the 31 units of credit required for graduation. A student may be a teaching assistant in any particular course only twice for credit. Teaching assistants receive one-half the credit assigned for the course assisted. To register for a Teaching Assistantship, students must complete a Teaching Assistantship (TA) Contract.