PhD in Sociology, Northwestern University 2006
MA in Sociology, University of Virginia 1995
BA University of Virginia 1992, Major in Sociology, Minor in French
Courses Taught
Intro to Sociology; Social Statistics; Sociology of Sex & Gender; Families in Transition; Health, Medical Care, & Society; Sociology Senior Capstone
Research Interests
Scholarship on Teaching and Learning specifically on Community-Based Learning
Kate Linnenberg
Associate Professor of Sociology
Pronouns: she/her/hers Email: Phone: 608-363-2306 Office: Room 304, Campbell HallIn my teaching I work to develop students’ sociological imaginations. This means that I want students to see how social structures–things like gender, race, neighborhood, schools, and the health care system–affect people’s agency, that is, their choices and options in life. I teach courses on topics such as the Sociology of Sex & Gender, Health, Medical Care, & Society, and Social Statistics. My teaching was recently recognized at the college by receipt of the Underkofler Teaching Award.
Recently, I’ve begun to incorporate more community-based learning (CBL) into my courses. The students in my Capstone course now spend their Tuesday class period with students in the Fresh Start Program of Community Action Inc. Similarly, students in my Families in Transition course work with Defy Domestic Abuse Beloit to plan activities to build community among the families living in the organization’s shelter.
The changes in my teaching have shifted my research interests. I now focus my research on the scholarship of teaching and learning because I want to make sure that my teaching builds skills and creates positive change in students’ lives. This means that I investigate topics such as the impact that CBL during college has on civic engagement in the years after graduation. I also am interested in how CBL opportunities enable students to build skills that prepare them for future careers.
In my free time, I love to spend time with my family, cook, and read. I make it a point to read for pleasure every day. And I read widely–from Pulitzer Prize winning fiction to mysteries, and from celebrity memoirs to narrative nonfiction written by authors who also write for The New Yorker. My taste is truly eclectic. So, if you’re ever looking for a good book to read, come by my office. I’m sure I’ll have some ideas for you!