November 16, 2024

In Remembrance: Phil Kirchner

Phil Kirchner—dean of students, attorney, community volunteer—died at the age of 74.

John Philip “Phil” Kirchner, former associate dean of the college, passed away Nov. 21, 2023, at age 74 after a lengthy illness. He joined the college in 1977, coming from the University of California, San Diego, and served as associate dean until 1980, when he became dean of students for a year.

“They were remarkable years for Beloit and we were all dedicated to making difficult changes that I believe rescued the college from an unhappy fate,” recalls Gregory Fahlund, dean of student affairs from 1976 to 1980.

After Beloit, Kirchner went to the University of Pennsylvania Law School and practiced law in Philadelphia and New Jersey. He was generous with his time and dedicated to community activities such as the Mental Health Association of Southwestern New Jersey, where he served on the Board of Directors. He served as president of Building Baseball Dreams, a nonprofit that supports inner-city youth baseball programs, and president of the Haddonfield Little League.

He lived a life of diligence and success beyond measure. He is survived by his wife, Karen, and two sons.

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