September 01, 2017

McAllister Plaza Dedicated

During the May meeting of the board of trustees, friends and colleagues came together to dedicate a renewed façade and expanded entry into Campbell Hall (formerly North College) to the late Les McAllister, an influential professor emeritus of economics.

The building now has a ramp, new landscaping, and an expanded patio with pavers. The class of 2016, through its class gift, contributed to the project, along with many other alumni and friends.

McAllister, who died in 2015, served on the economics faculty from 1953 to 1991 and chaired the department from 1960 to 1974. He was the first to hold the Allen-Bradley Chair in Economics and was twice named Teacher of the Year at Beloit.

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    Remembering Frank Caleb Blodgett’50, Life Trustee

  • Naomi Wachs’99, shown above, is a Food for Peace Officer for USAID in Turkey, working on a team that provides humanitarian assistance inside Syria. Kenny Andejeski’12 is a program leader for Remote Year, a company that brings professionals, freelancers, adventurers, and entrepreneurs together to work and live in 12 cities across three continents during one year. He spent the summer months working in Europe.

    Unexpected Rendezvous in Istanbul

  • Grace Ousley (1904) was the first African-American woman to graduate from Beloit College only nine years after the college opened its doors to women.

    They Made History


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