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Save the date! The 2025 Beloiter Days: Homecoming, Reunion, and Family & Friends Weekend is set for September 19-21, 2025. We hope to see you here!
2024 Schedule
It’s time to get excited! Beloiter Days is coming soon and we look forward to seeing you.
Please revisit this page periodically for schedule additions, changes, and updates.
Weekend Opportunities
Powerhouse Welcome Center — 850 Pleasant Street, Welcome Desk
Register, and kick off your weekend, by checking in at the Powerhouse.
- Friday: 7:30am - 6:30pm
- Saturday: 8:00am - 4:00pm
- Sunday: 9:00am - noon
- Shuttles — We will have shuttles running from 9:00am - 12:00am Friday and Saturday (No shuttles on Sunday). The shuttles will stop at the Powerhouse, The Wall (corner of College St. and Clary St.), and out to the hotels on Milwaukee Rd. Saturday’s shuttles will include Strong Stadium from 4:00pm -12:00 am.
Admissions Visit Center — Middle College
- Friday: 8:00am - 4:30pm
- Saturday: 9:00am - noon
Campus Tours (60 minutes) — from Middle College
- Friday: 1:30pm, 2:45pm
- Saturday: 9:00am, 10:00am, 11:00am
Powerhouse Tours — from the Powerhouse Welcome Desk
- Friday: 3:00pm
- Saturday: 1:00pm
Renovated Whitney Hall Tours
- Friday: 3:00pm-4:00pm
- Saturday: 9:00am-10:00am
Renovated Morse Library Tours
Friday: 7:30am-5:00pm
- Saturday: 12:00pm-5:00pm
- Sunday: 12:00pm-10:00pm
CELEB & Gallery ABBA Open Hours — CELEB, 437 E. Grand Ave
- Friday: 1:00pm - 4:00pm
- Saturday: 10:00am - 3:00pm
Wright Museum of Art Open Hours
- Friday: 11:00am - 4:00pm
- Tour—Friday: 10:30 am - 11:30 am
- Saturday: 11:00am - 4:00pm
- Gallery Talk—Saturday: 1:00pm-2:00pm with Ximena Mora Y Olivan’12
Logan Museum of Anthropology Open Hours
- Friday: 11:00am - 4:00pm
- Saturday: 11:00am - 4:00pm
- Tour—Saturday: 1:30 pm - 2:30 pm
Currents: Campus Spirit Store — Powerhouse First Floor
- Friday: 10:00am - 6:00pm
- Saturday: 10:00am - 6:00pm
- Sunday: 10:00am - 1:00pm
Walnut Creek: Downtown Swag Shop — 408 E Grand Ave
- Friday: 9:00am - 6:00pm
- Saturday: 9:00am - 1:00pm
Individual Events
Friday, Sept. 13th, 2024
- All Day – 2024 Beloiter Days: Homecoming, Reunion, and Family & Friends Weekend:
Beloiters of all kinds celebrate Beloit College and their connections to each other.
Location: Beloit College - 8 a.m. - 3:45 p.m. – Open Classes:
Grab a notebook—class is back in session! Pick your favorite from our list of open classes and learn something new. Disclaimer: we can’t guarantee you won’t be surprised with a pop quiz!
Open Classes Listed by Time
Open Classes Listed by DepartmentLocation: Beloit College Campus
Cost: Free - 10:30 a.m. - 11:30 a.m. – Meet Beloit College President Eric Boynton:
Join our 12th president, Dr. Eric Boynton, for a casual meet and greet.
Location: The Powerhouse, Turbine Gallery
Cost:This event is free but we request registration in advance.
- 11 a.m. - 1:30 p.m. – Lunch in Commons:
Stop by Commons and grab some lunch before heading off to an afternoon filled with fun events.
Location: Chapin Hall, Commons
Cost:$9 per person; children 12 and under eat free. Advance registration is requested. Pay at the door in Commons via credit/debit card. No cash accepted.
- 11:30 a.m. - 1 p.m. – James E. Duffy’49 Society Luncheon:
The James E. Duffy’49 Society Luncheon honors recent heroic gifts and celebrates all alumni and friends who include Beloit in their estate plans. Join the lunch if the college is in your will or trust, insurance policy, retirement plan, or gift annuity.
Location: The Powerhouse, The Stack
Cost:This event is by invitation only with advance registration required.
- 12:30 p.m. - 1:20 p.m. – STEM Research Poster Session:
Join Beloit College students in this poster session as they share their research findings from various summer science and mathematics projects.
Location: Sanger Center for the Sciences, Atrium
Cost: Free - 1:30 p.m. - 2:30 p.m. – Schools at Beloit:
Come and learn about our new schools: Business, Health Sciences, Environment & Sustainability, and Media & the Arts. The schools combine the well-rounded knowledge at the core of a liberal arts education with the specialized skills and hands-on experiences provided through internships, community-based learning, and job opportunities.
Location: The Powerhouse, Weissberg Auditorium
Cost: Free - 1:30 p.m. - 3 p.m. – Alumni Authors Celebration:
Come meet our alumni authors! Find out a little about their process and experience since graduation, and what it takes to write a book. *Note to alumni authors: We want to celebrate and showcase you and your work. If you would like to participate in the event, please contact Karen Mayse at to let her know you’ll be coming.
Location: The Powerhouse, Turbine Gallery
Cost: Free - 3 p.m. - 4 p.m. – Making a Lasting Impact with Legacy Giving:
In this one-hour presentation, Don Kent’77, principal and financial advisor at Bernstein Private Wealth Management in New York, NY, will demystify the process of legacy giving to your favorite charities, including Beloit College! Don, a member of the Beloit College Board of Trustees, will discuss how through a will and beneficiary designations on retirement plans and other financial accounts, we can make a huge impact on the lives of those we love and for the missions of the organizations we care so deeply about.
Location: Morse-Ingersoll Hall, Richardson Auditorium
Cost: Free - 4 p.m. – Beloit Buccaneers Men’s Soccer Game:
Beloit Men’s Soccer vs Elmhurst University. Go Bucs!
Location: Strong Stadium Complex Soccer Field
Cost:This event is free to attend with advance registration requested.
- 5 p.m. - 6 p.m. – Class of 1964 Zoom Happy Hour:
Can’t make it to Reunion but want to connect with your classmates? Join a Zoom happy hour to chat and “see” your friends.
Location: Sanger Center for the Sciences, Room 101
Cost: Free - 5 p.m. - 6:30 p.m. – Beloit LGBTQ+ Community Happy Hour:
Join SAGA (Sexual and Gender Alliance) and Beloit TEAA (Beloit Trans Experience and Advocacy) members and alumni for a happy hour to celebrate our queer Beloit College community. Appetizers and beverages will be served.
Location: Morse Library, 2nd Floor – West Entrance
Cost:This event is free but we request registration in advance.
- 6 p.m. - 8 p.m. – 1964 60th Class Dinner (Classes of 1973 and earlier are invited too!):
Join your fellow 1964 alumni to honor 60 years (or more) of being Beloiters. Connect with your friends and reminisce about your memories at a special dinner planned just for you. Note: Classes beyond the Golden Stoles (1973 and earlier) are invited too!
Location: Sanger Center for the Sciences, Atrium
Cost:$50 per person with advance registration required.
- 6:30 p.m. – Dinner In and Around Beloit:
Try out our local fare and experience all Beloit has to offer!
Location: In and Around Beloit - 6:30 p.m. - 9 p.m. – 2023 1st Reunion Class Pizza Dinner:
Join your fellow 2023 alumni at C-Haus in honor of your recent graduation!
Location: Coughy Haus
Cost:This event is free with advance registration required. Cash bar.
- 6:30 p.m. - 9 p.m. – 1974 50th Class Dinner & Presentation of Golden Stoles:
Enjoy a delicious dinner with your fellow 1974 classmates, and receive your Golden Stole to celebrate 50 years of being a Beloit alum.
Location: The Powerhouse, The Stack
Cost:$50 per person with advance registration required.
- 6:30 p.m. - 9 p.m. – 1999 25th Class Dinner:
Reconnect with your classmates at a special 25th reunion dinner planned just for you, and reminisce on shared memories of your college days.
Location: Wright Museum of Art, Indoor Courtyard
Cost:$35 per person with advance registration required.
- 6:30 p.m. - 9 p.m. – 2014 10th Reunion Class Dinner:
Join your fellow 2014 alumni to honor one decade post-Beloit, reconnect with your friends, and reminisce on old memories at a special dinner planned just for you.
Location: Chapin Hall, President’s Lounge
Cost:$35 per person with advance registration required.
- 10 p.m. - 11 p.m. – Observatory Open House:
Meet on the Sanger Center for the Sciences rooftop for a student-led observatory open house. Note: Event will only be held if there are clear skies.
Location: Sanger Center for the Sciences, Rooftop
Cost: Free - 10 p.m. - 11:59 p.m. – C-Haus Alumni Night:
Relive your college days in the Coughy Haus, open to alumni on Friday from 10:00pm-2:00am. Grab a beer and have a rousing good time. *Note: The C-Haus is open to alumni and guests on Friday night only. Saturday night is exclusively for current students.
Location: Coughy Haus
Cost: Free
Saturday, Sept. 14th, 2024
- Midnight - 2 a.m. – C-Haus Alumni Night:
Relive your college days in the Coughy Haus, open to alumni on Friday from 10:00pm-2:00am. Grab a beer and have a rousing good time. *Note: The C-Haus is open to alumni and guests on Friday night only. Saturday night is exclusively for current students.
- 8 a.m. - 1 p.m. – Downtown Beloit Farmers’ Market:
An award-winning community tradition, with vendors selling local produce, organics, baked goods, honey, jams & jellies, bedding plants, fish, meat, eggs & cheese, fresh flowers, artisan crafts, scents & skin care.
Location: State Street & E Grand Avenue, Beloit, WI
Cost: Free - 9 a.m. – Alumni Swim Practice:
All Swimming & Diving alumni are invited to join swim practice.
Location: The Powerhouse, Nicholls Natatorium
Cost: Free - 9 a.m. – Alumni Games:
All student-athlete alumni are invited to play in the following alumni games: Men’s Soccer, Women’s Soccer, and Softball.
Location: Strong Stadium Complex
Cost: Free - 9 a.m. - 2 p.m. – Brunch for Alumni, Family, & Friends:
Fuel up with a delicious brunch during an event-filled day.
Location: Chapin Hall, Commons
Cost:$10 per person; children 12 and under eat free. Advance registration is requested. Pay at the door in Commons via credit/debit card. No cash accepted.
- 9:30 a.m. - 10:30 a.m. – Families Conversation with the President:
Families of current students are invited to join our Beloit College President Eric Boynton, and Dean of Students Cecil Youngblood, for an update on campus.
Location: The Powerhouse, Turbine Gallery
Cost:This event is free but we request registration in advance.
- 11 a.m. - Noon – Beloit College Awards Assembly:
Join your friends, students, and classmates, as we introduce and celebrate the 2024 Distinguished Service Citation and Young Alumni Award honorees, hear from President Boynton, and find out who won this year’s class cups. This is also a great event for families and students to learn about some amazing Beloiters.
Location: The Powerhouse, Weissberg Auditorium
Cost: Free - 1 p.m. - 2 p.m. – Gallery Talk: Tierra Y Libertad: Join Ximena Mora Y Olivan’12 for their gallery exhibit: Tierra Y Libertad.Location: Wright Museum of Art
Cost: Free - 1:30 p.m. - 2:30 p.m. – Logan Museum Tour:
Take a tour of Beloit’s own Logan Museum of Anthropology led by Director Nicolette Meister to learn about what the teaching museum has to offer.
Location: Logan Museum Of Anthropology
Cost: Free - 3 p.m. - 3:30 p.m. – Homecoming Parade and Parade of Classes:
Celebrate Beloiter creativity and spirit at the Homecoming parade or strut through campus with your classmates in the Parade of Classes, for any Reunion years ending in a four or nine. Lineup starts at 2:45 p.m. for participants at the Wall.
Location: Location: Lineup starts in front of the Wall towards C-Haus, Parade heads south on College, east on Emerson, north on Church, and west on Clary, ending back at the Wall. (Change in route is due to the City of Beloit water main replacement underway.)
Cost: Free - 3:30 p.m. - 6 p.m. – Homecoming Tailgate & Cookout:
Join us at Strong Stadium to tailgate and enjoy an old fashioned picnic cookout, while celebrating our rich athletics history and cheering on the Buccaneers to victory! There will be shuttles running from 4 p.m.-12 a.m. from The Powerhouse, on College St. in front of Middle College, and The Wall.
Location: Strong Stadium Complex
Cost:The picnic is free, including attendance, parking, and food. Advance registration is requested so our caterers can adequately plan. Beer and wine will be available for purchase. Payment at site will be accepted via credit/debit card. No cash accepted.
- 6 p.m. – Homecoming Game: Beloit College vs Knox College:
Cheer on the Buccaneers football team as it takes on Knox College, and support our Athletic Hall of Honor inductees and football alumni at halftime. There will be shuttles running from 3:00 p.m.-10:30 p.m. from The Powerhouse, on College St. in front of Middle College, and The Wall.
Location: Strong Stadium Complex
Cost: Free - 8:30 p.m. - 11 p.m. – Beloit College Stadium Bash:
Stay at Strong Stadium after the football game for a big party! Enjoy live music from Mister Pink (featuring Associate Provost and Associate Professor Ron Watson) playing danceable funk, pop, hip-hop, soul, and rock from the past and present. Much fun will be had with drinks, dancing, and dessert. Bring your best dance moves!
Location: Strong Stadium Complex
Cost:This event is free but we request registration in advance. Beer and wine available for purchase.
Sunday, Sept. 15th, 2024
- 9 a.m. - 2 p.m. – Alumni, Family, & Friends Brunch:
Enjoy a delicious Sunday brunch and spend time with your fellow classmates, families, and friends, one last time before heading back home.
Location: Chapin Hall, Commons
Cost:$10 per person; children 12 and under eat free. Advance registration is requested. Pay at the door in Commons via credit/debit card. No cash accepted.
- 10 a.m. - 11 a.m. – Remembering Friends We’ve Lost:
We’ll spend time celebrating the lives of members of the Beloit College community who are no longer with us—alumni, faculty, staff, and friends—in guided silent reflection and stories, led by Associate Professor Sonya Maria Johnson.
Location: Eaton Chapel
Cost: Free - Noon – Athletic Hall of Honor Luncheon & Induction Ceremony:
A special event to recognize the efforts and contributions of former Beloit College student-athletes who have left an indelible mark on Buccaneer athletics.
Location: The Powerhouse, The Stack
Cost:This event is by invitation only with advance registration required.