A spooky campus
The college welcomed families in the community for an evening of trick-or-treating and other Halloween activities.
Beloit College celebrated its second annual community Halloween celebration on Friday, October 25th, welcoming families from Beloit and beyond to enjoy spooky activities, Halloween games, and trick-or-treating at student residence halls.
Beloit College students organized face painting, pumpkin ball tosses, candy corn bowling, and science experiments. Children lined up in costume for their turn to win prizes.
Campus offices joined the fun, with the Beloit College Library staff manning a spooky station. Torti, the Beloit College library mascot, hosted a pin-the-face-on-a-pumpkin game.
Fraternities, sororities, and residence halls along College St. had college students greeting trick or treaters in costumes. A sunny, crisp afternoon turned to dusk as families strolled through campus.
“I love Halloween, and this event has exceeded my wildest expectations,” said Residential Life Director Randi Mogul, who organized the event with her team of staff and student residential assistants. “We’ve doubled attendance since last year, and I can’t wait for it to grow again next year.”

Randi Mogul
Director of Residential Life