A Passionate Advocate for Beloit

I regularly host Beloiters Unite events, admitted student receptions, and have served on the Alumni Board for five years. I am a passionate advocate of Beloit to any and all who will listen.

Why did you choose Beloit College?
I transferred to Beloit on recommendation from my grandparents. Both were Beloit alum and strong advocates of the college. It was a welcome and needed change from the larger class sizes and anonymity of a state school.

What kind of activities were you involved with on campus?
I hosted various radio shows on WBCR and am a proud Phi Psi.

What off-campus opportunities did you enjoy?
Trips to Milwaukee and Chicago for live music and baseball. The slog to Cub Foods for groceries. (The struggle is real) Saturday nights slinging drinks at the BOP.

What was your favorite class? Or was there a faculty member who you remember being a favorite?
I have deep respect for my Psychology advisors, Larry White and Alexis Grosofsky. Larry White’s Cross-Cultural Psychology is a course that I still think about today.

Where was your favorite space on campus?
Hard to nail down a specific spot. Campus is filled with unique spaces in which one could socialize, study, and reflect. Walking through the mounds on the academic side of campus on a warm, clear evening is still a favorite.

How do you think your Beloit experience influenced or affected what you are doing now?
The Liberal Arts mantra of teaching students how to learn vs. what to learn rings true in my career and life today. I successfully ran a technology consulting firm for fourteen years and championed the growth of a local non-profit neighborhood assistance organization in the community that I live and love.

How have you stayed involved with College?
I regularly host Beloiters Unite events, admitted student receptions, and have served on the Alumni Board for five years. I am a passionate advocate for Beloit to any and all who will listen.

What is something you would encourage all students to do before graduating from Beloit?
Study abroad. My summer term in Australia with Bob Hodge was an experience I will never forget.

Why are you proud to Be Beloit?
Be Beloit… Beloit College graduates are leaders and visionaries in their various careers and lives. The successes of alumni and students of Beloit College continue to amaze me, both for their remarkableness and for their inclination for being open-minded and conscientious.

August 23, 2019

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