Faculty & Staff Profiles
Editing your profile is straightforward.
- First, find your name from the list below.
- When you visit your profile page, you’ll see an “Edit my profile” link at the bottom.
- Click this link, and you’ll be prompted to log in before editing your profile.
- You can find a shortcut to edit your profile in the tool bar menu, at the top-right beneath your name: “Edit my Public Profile”. This menu only appears when you’re logged into LiveWhale.
Profiles Widgets
You can show faculty, staff or students on your page by going to the red plus button in the toolbar and adding widget to the page. Choose “My Staff”, “My Faculty” etc. to include these profiles on the page.

Beth Young
Vice President & Chief Financial Officer
Amanda Harilal
Executive Assistant to Vice President of Finance & Planning/ Purchasing Specialist

Sandra Fordell
Director of Finance & Treasury

Betsy Henkel
Director of Financial Aid

Angi Olesen
Associate Director of Student Excellence and Leadership

Hope Ballentine
Director of Human Resources & Title IX Coordinator

Joy de Leon
Associate Dean of Students
Co-Director of Advanced Mentoring Program
Pronouns: She/her/hers
Email: deleonj@joker47.net
Call: 608-363-2661
Office: Dean of Students office, 2nd floor, north side Pearsons Hall

Tara M. Girard
Associate Dean for Recreation, Wellness and Engagement

Nicolette Blum Meister
Director & NAGPRA Coordinator, Logan Museum of Anthropology; Faculty Director, Center for Collections Care; Instructor, Museum Studies

Brian L. Morello
Director of the Center for Entrepreneurship

Donna Oliver
Provost and Dean of the College
Martha Peterson Professor for Distinguished Faculty Service (Russian)
Email: oliverd@joker47.net
Call: 608-363-2667
Nathan Osterberger
Facilities Director

Tori Perry
Director of Learning Enrichment & Disability Services (LEADS)
Vanessa Rammelt, FAAC®
Associate Director of Financial Aid
Pronouns: she/her/hers
Email: rammeltv@joker47.net
Call: 608-363-2142
Office: 2nd Floor, Pearsons Hall
LeeAnn Ryan
Facilities Office Manager and Building Coordinator

Daryl Saladar
Associate Director of Student Excellence and Leadership

Karen H. Schedin
Vice President for Enrollment Management

Kevin Schober
Director of Recreation and Activity

Martha Stolze
Director of Admissions
Pronouns: she/her/hers
Email: stolzem@joker47.net
Call: +1 (608)-363-2247
Text: +1 (608)-713-8056
Office: Middle College, Admissions Office
Steven Sutherland
Lead Maintenance
Ami Vance
Lead Housekeeper
Pronouns: she/her/hers
Email: vanceaj@joker47.net
Call: 608-363-2782
Office: 1st Floor, Smith Building

Angela Bishop
Executive Administrative Assistant
Jaime Chambliss
Asst. Lead Housekeeper

Tiffany Cipollone
Vice President for Advancement

Kathryn Cussen
Learning Enrichment & Disability Services (LEADS) Coordinator

Jenny Eggen
Director of Accounting & Bursar

Yaffa Grossman
Associate Dean of Curriculum
Professor of Biology
Pronouns: she/her/hers
Email: grossman@joker47.net
Call: 608-363-2640
Office: Registrar’s Office, Pearsons Hall
Jim Locke
Mail Center Manager

Kylie McCarty
Payroll Coordinator

Randi Mogul
Director of Residential Life

Porscha Nalan
Academic Support Advisor

Guadalupe Orbezo-Perez ’20
Financial Aid Counselor
Pronouns: she/her/hers
Email: orbezoperezgd@joker47.net
Call: 608-363-2604
Office: 2nd Floor, Pearsons Hall

Susan Rowe
Program Coordinator, CELEB and BeloitTV

Emily Sager
Career Development Advisor
Pronouns: she/her/hers
Email: sagere@joker47.net
Call: 608-363-2645
Office: Career Works, 1st Floor, Morse Library

Maria Scarpaci
TRIO Programs Senior Director
McNair Scholars Program Director
Email: scarpacim@joker47.net
Office: 2nd Floor, South College

Eric Sharlow
Safety and Security Director
Pronouns: He/Him/His
Email: sharlowe@joker47.net
Call: 608-363-2359
Office: Security Office, Lower Level, Pearsons Hall

Christa Story
Academic Curator

Kaylee Turuc
Human Resource & Fringe Benefits Assistant
Tiffany Warren
Director of College Events

Nikita Werner
Curator of Exhibits and Programs

Kristi Wiechman
Office Manager, Dean of Students Office
Pronouns: she/her/hers
Email: wiechmank@joker47.net
Call: 608-363-2660
Office: Dean of Students office, 2nd floor, north side Pearsons Hall

Nada Abdulaziz
Residence Life Coordinator

Ellenor Anderbyrne
Chief of Staff & Secretary of the College & Senior Director of Strategic Research
Pronouns: she/her
Email: anderbyrneek@joker47.net
Call: 608-363-2014
Office: 2nd Floor, Middle College

Libby Angileri

Daniela Aponte ’23
Admissions Counselor
Pronouns: she/her/hers
Email: aponted@joker47.net
Call: +1 (608)-363-2180
Text: +1 (608)-713-4877
Office: Middle College, Admissions Office

Leslie Beeler
Gift Manager

Nikki Bengtson

Shobhita Bharadwaj
Student Assistant, Dean of Students Office

Elise Bottensek
Financial Services Coordinator

Dr. Gloria Bradley
Assistant Dean of Student Success, Equity and Community and Co-Director of the Weissberg Program in Human Rights and Social Justice

Michele Campbell ’96
Director of Donor Relations and Stewardship
Pronouns: she/her/hers
Email: campbellmm@joker47.net
Call: 608-363-2105
Office: Room 010, Morse-Ingersoll Hall

Christopher Chambers
College Editor

Diontia Charles
Residence Life Coordinator

Rachel Corral
Enrollment Marketing Manager
Pronouns: she/her/hers
Email: corralr@joker47.net
Call: 608-363-2488
Office: 2nd Floor, Middle College

Liam Dailey
Senior Associate Director of Admissions, New York-based Representative

Rongping Deng
Instrument & Research Scientist

Natalie DiDomenico
Admissions Counselor
Pronouns: she/her/hers
Email: didomenicon@joker47.net
Call: +1 (608)-363-2173
Office: Middle College, Admissions Office

Adam Dinnes
Assistant Director of LITS, Common Services
Security Dispatchers
Security Dispatchers

Tristan Draper
Librarian - Student Success and Engagement

Zak Effler ’12
Assistant Director of Admissions
Pronouns: he/him/his
Email: efflerz@joker47.net
Call: +1 (608)-363-2177
Text: +1 (608)-713-8043
Office: Middle College, Admissions Office
Ian Engebretson
CRM Specialist

Hannah Flores
Program Coordinator, World Affairs Center and Morse-Ingersoll
Pronouns: they/them/theirs
Email: floresh@joker47.net
Call: 608-363-2063
Office: Room 111, World Affairs Center

Tamara Fouché ’10
Director of Development and President Liaison

Jessica Fox-Wilson
Director of Career Works
Pronouns: she/her/hers
Email: foxjs@joker47.net
Call: 608-363-2647
Office: Career Works, 1st Floor, Morse Library

Maya Francis
Assistant Director of Data Services and Prospect Research
Pronouns: she/her/hers
Email: francism@joker47.net
Call: 608-363-2638
Office: Room 011, Morse-Ingersoll Hall

Kristin Frey
McNair Program & Retention Coordinator

Brett Gabrielatos
Visiting Instructor, CELEB
Email: gabrielatosb@joker47.net
Office: Third Floor, CELEB

Suzanne Goebel
Community Partner & Employer Relations Manager
Pronouns: she/her/hers
Email: goebels@joker47.net
Call: 608-363-2060
Office: Career Works, 1st Floor, Morse Library

Dr. Jerry Gustafson
Professor Emeritus of Economics, CELEB Founder

Madelene Hamann

Regina D. Hendrix
Director, Help Yourself Programs

Brice Henthorn
System Support Specialist

Doug Henthorn
Technology Support Specialist

Jonathan Hopkins ’01
Assistant Director of Foundation Relations

Vickie Jamerson
Accounts Payable Coordinator

Amy Johnson

Kathryn Johnson
Senior Administrative Assistant to the Provost

Shannon Jolly
International Student & Exchange Advisor & Assistant Director

Kimberly Klatt
Grant Compliance Specialist
Theresa Klubertanz
Laboratory & Safety Coordinator

Kiana Kozin
Associate Manager of Student Accounts

Kathy Landon
Assistant Director of Global Experience Office and Study Abroad Advisor
Pronouns: She/Her/Hers
Email: landonk@joker47.net
Call: 608-363-2270
Office: Global Experience Office - 1st Floor, Campbell Hall

Kallie Leonard
Collection Acquisition and Access Coordinator

Laura Lopez
Assistant Director of Upward Bound

Sylvia López
Director of Community Connections
Harry C. Moore Professor of Modern Languages and Literatures (Spanish)
Hailey Lorenzen
Center for Collections Care Postgraduate Fellow

Hailey Lorenzen
Center for Collections Care Postgraduate Fellow
Email: lorenzenh@joker47.net
Office: Godfrey 113

Alina A Martin
Academic Records Assistant
Pronouns: she/her/hers
Email: registrar@joker47.net
Call: 608-363-2640
Office: Pearsons Hall, Registrar’s Office
Taylore Martin
Pronouns: She/Her/Hers
Email: martint@joker47.net
Call: 608-299-7780
Office: Health and Wellness Center

Karen Mayse
Executive Director of Advancement Operations
Pronouns: she/her/hers
Email: maysek@joker47.net
Call: 608-363-2652
Office: Room 006, Morse-Ingersoll Hall

Julie Metzger
Records Coordinator

James Miranda ’20
International Recruitment Manager
Pronouns: he/him/his
Email: mirandasj@joker47.net
Call: +1 (608)-363-2178
Text: +1 (608)-713-8036
Office: Admissions East

Nicholas Mischler ’14
Web & Digital Communications Strategist
Pronouns: he/him/his
Email: mischlern@joker47.net
Call: 608-363-2467
Office: 2nd Floor, Middle College

Joshua Moore
Senior Director of Global and Immersive Learning and Co-Director of the Weissberg Program in Human Rights and Social Justice
Pronouns: He/him/his
Email: moorej@joker47.net
Call: 608-363-2831
Office: Global Experience Office - 1st Floor, Campbell Hall

Shannon Nordgren
Office Manager, Library & IT Services

Registrar Office
Email: registrar@joker47.net
Call: 608-363-2640

Security Officers
Back row: J. Bauer, E. Sharlow, B. Heine (Emeritus), Former Emp. | Front row: M. Mann, M. Rios, B. Walker, S. Burri | Not pictured: J. Coyle
Email: security@joker47.net

Beth Pohl
Performing and Applied Arts Secretary, and Hendricks Center for the Arts coordinator.

Molly Polyock

Pam Prescott
Director of Gift Planning
Pronouns: she/her/hers
Email: prescottp@joker47.net
Call: 608-363-2650
Office: Room 009, Morse-Ingersoll Hall

Cindy Rhines
Circulation Desk Coordinator

Liz Rosenthal
Visit Experience Coordinator
Pronouns: she/her/hers
Email: rosenthall@joker47.net
Call: +1 (608)-363-2189
Office: Middle College, Admissions Office

Timothy Rosenthal
Associate Director of Admissions
Pronouns: he/him/his
Email: rosenthalt@joker47.net
Call: +1 (608)-363-2209
Text: +1 (608)-856-3504
Office: Admissions East

Susan Rudolph
Human Resources & Payroll Assistant

Ann Marie Santora
Executive Director of Corporate & Foundation Relations
Pronouns: she/her/hers
Email: santoraa@joker47.net
Call: 608-363-2609
Office: Room 104, Morse-Ingersoll Hall

Mary Elizabeth Schiavone
Librarian - Student Success and Engagement

Tim Schmiechen
Executive Director of Special Projects
Pronouns: he/him/his
Email: schmiech@joker47.net
Call: 608-363-2259
Office: Room 008, Morse-Ingersoll Hall

Courtney Scott
Administrative Assistant for Enrollment Services

Tatiana Sieren
Executive Administrative Assistant to the Provost and Dean of the College
Pronouns: she/her/hers
Email: sierent@joker47.net
Call: 608-363-2667
Office: Provost’s Office 3rd floor-Middle College

Carin Smith ’81
Admissions-Athletic Recruitment Manager
Pronouns: she/her/hers
Email: smithcs@joker47.net
Call: +1 (608)-713-8031
Text: +1 (608)-713-8031
Office: Middle College, Admissions Office

Dawn Stadelman
Museum Office Coordinator

Mary Stelter ’89
Associate Director of Admissions
Pronouns: she/her/hers
Email: steltermw@joker47.net
Call: +1 (608)-363-2175
Text: +1 (608)-713-8042
Office: Middle College, Admissions Office
Alice Stolze
Dispatch Coordinator
Pronouns: She/her/hers
Email: stolzeak@joker47.net
Call: 608-363-2316
Office: Security Office, Pearsons Hall basement

Brian Tarwater
Residence Life Coordinator

Mariela Trevino
Social Media Manager

Kate Virgo
Director of Enrollment Information Systems

Brady Wachholz
Student Assistant, Dean of Students Office

Eleanor Waddle
Head Cross Country Coach
Track and Field Distance Coach

Jackie Wehrenberg
Director of Development
Pronouns: she/her/hers
Email: wehrenbergj@joker47.net
Call: 608-363-2657
Office: Room 008, Morse-Ingersoll Hall

Zach Werner
Academic Program Coordinator
Pronouns: he/him/his
Email: wernerz@joker47.net
Call: 608-363-2226
Office: Room 114, Sanger Center for the Sciences

Erick West
Director of Development

Ted Wilder
Chief Information Officer & Library Director